Friday, February 22, 2008
There was this joke which just poped into my mind the other day when I was walking home...
yeah, its just a lame chinese joke. My sis didnt find it funny but it was enough to draw giggles out of sun, eARTh and enwei =)
Anyways, recently I am just so addicted to 东游记. Ok, I am weird but.. yeah... THE SHOW IS DANG IT NICE~
Oh ya and... CONGRATZ SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE GETTING TO HOST THE YOUTH OYLIMPICS IN 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. SINGAPORE ROX (i just love my home country ^^)
happily posted
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
That's it I am gonna write this down or else I will never comply with what that is going in my mind
1) I AM SO GONNA GO HALF HIATUS (or however you spell it >.<)
-it's not like I didnt, I did, but I only went off the multiplayers online games (its crucial, I am so nearing the 2nd job in maple and I gonna get all addicted if I start playing, TOP and Light and Darkness are no betta then maple), now, I gonna stop all addictive activities altogether ( watching anime on youtube and playing those pokemon games on my comp)
-I am take note if manga scans too, it gona be read only during the hols and in one day altogether I guess (its a bit hard on this one, its not exactly playing)
-maybe once in a while I will go online by "CHANCE" (mom and dad not at home =P)
-holidays are always exception
-Must finish the CME thingy fast....
-comp activity limited to non addictive stuffs... =.=
there, that's abt it. Comp is a huge addictive power, I can go for 3 hrs and still cant bear to switch it off, but it IS the O lvls this yr, since I have diff paying attention in class (I always do, esp on tues, its even worst with a test on wed *this means little sleep on tues as well), I must have more
time at home to do my notes and study, and there's tons of things that i need to finish doing but havent (like colouring my drawings or drawing new stuffs etc)
Things are finally somewhat on track but some of my notes are seriously lagging behind and I am often off focus in class =.=
I totally dread eng lessons nowaday, WHY IN THE WORLD MUST I BE IN BAND 1 T.T i feel like I totally dont belong there, I'd rather be in band 2 or band 3 <33333333. skills =".=">.<>.<>
I am so addicted to the legends of the eight immortals, the weird thing about this? I've already watched this show like some years ago. The weirder thing, I cant find the book about this legend in the library. Even weirder, my primary sch library has it (I read one before when I was in P4) Nvrm can always go National Library to find I guess.
Oh ya, my dad finally bought me a scanner =D
Anyways, hope its a good year ahead ^^
The library "imported" new stocks of chinese comic (CARDCAPTOR SAKURA)
finally posted
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D Gonna post a picture from last year... anyway, i cant believe i actually mangaed to finish the chem key concept >.<>.<
Here's the picture ^^ Cargo totally rox

happily posted
Friday, February 01, 2008
The first month of the year totally sux. I haven got one test result that I am contented with (then again, they are all amaths tests so its kinda natural for my results to turn out not the way I wan them to be) I spent like dunno how many days being either totally sick or half sick (actually they are less then 5 days in a row but its like ya know 3 days then interval of 3 days then 2 days again. This so doesnt sound right and it sounds totally STUPID =.= but i cant blame for a lot of ppl have been falling sick. hopefully the rest of the year would be much better then tis... (pray that the whole flu perod is officially over)
I feel that i havent been putting alot of effort in my studies (it either due to... me being distractive in class or being sick totally decrease my effiency, which make everything worst cus if I am not well, I cant concentrate, but if I am well, I DONT concentrate) Dunno, I just have to rpomise myself that I gonna pay attention and do my ntoes on time...
I always wonder if I have this fear of doing worst then I did in the previous year and it turns out that I do. I fear my results dropping so much that I dunno if it is actually the strength pushing me forward. I do my notes, I read my stuffs. notes are so totally not a problem the problem is paying attention in class. I have this constant fear of making bad quality notes if I dont paynig attention in class.(the weird thing is I still WONT pay attention in class) I am such a worry wart >.<
Then again, everything is kind of confusing in the first few weeks aways. DANG I DONT WANNA CARE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish my sci wont drop cus of this.... they have been my strength replacing at least one subject advantage I have in sec 2
Anyways, depressingly overwhelming, academic whining aside. POKEMON ADVENTURES VOL 26 IS OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIDNT SO TOTALLY didnt expect it to be published so fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gonna buy it on tues, i gonna I gonna gonna gonna ^^
I had a very good handball game this week. Did a couple of passes and blocks. Our team rox cus we win both our matches that day. Kudos everyone =D
had the gz welcoming party today. It was boring cus we are all split up. Even more boring when sun went back early. EVEN MUCH MORE boring cus we cant find a good game to play. as in
1) the captain's ball is good but it sux due to overcrowding, more still (for me) I didnt even get to really play cus firstly no one was passing to me secondly I dont know who to block which is all due to the third reason, we all dont know each other enough to know who's on our team and who isnt -.- so throughout the whole game its like only the sec 2s(mainly 1) in our team plus our grp leader who is playing. it kinda lame cus some of us are standing in the best positions but they didnt pass us the ball -.-
2) The sit around in a circle didnt go so well cus there's too many ppl.
nvrm wadeva, I guess I shldnt be so critical. but i met a bunch of sec 1s that were really fun the hang around with ^^ we played for a while with each other and it was fun. kinda regret that we didnt have muchtime to hang around with each other. (they thought that I was sec 2 in the first place though, not that I really mind, guess i am kinda used to this by now, plus they were really nice)its kinda weird that I click eaiser with ppl younger then me then ppl my own age, or ppl out of the circle then people who are within it. I guess i am really weird in that sense.
D-Gray man totally rox
looking forward to new year.
Totally gonna concentrate on my studies. maybe I should that I ya noe, focus course or restraining course, and I need a being neat course too =.= WHY AM I SO MESSY (simple, cus most of the time I am not in this frustrated mood, and hwne I am in my normal mood I tend to not to care) Ahh, speaking of that It ought to be being focused/neat WHEN I am in my normal state of mind ~.~
anways, sry for being so hot headed around this 2 days or so. the tests abd the virus running abt totally got into my head
I am still totally angry abt my scissors
crtically posted