Friday, November 30, 2007
The holidays are half gone and I am still left with 1/2 physics ppt, 2 compo and the blast it maths >.<>:D
Anyways here are more of those dang cute pokemon fanart..
once again, here's the address (I am considering adding it to the links) all credits to michikusa!
finally posted
Monday, November 19, 2007
shimmer is here to post again ^^
I am in a pretty good mood today, cus I strike a jackpot in my pokemon emerald, and its a big bonus! (mauville game corner)
Anyways, nothing much really happened since the last post though.
I am dang hooked to the conqueror's story (tv series on channel U) its a dang nice show ^^ (ARGH, ADDICTED!) The story plot is nice even though its history and everything,a pity though, its quite short compared to another series, Romance Of The 3 Kingdoms (btw, i strongly recommend this show, its nice beyond nice ^^, at its debut, I sayed up on thurs and Friday nite 12 to 2 am just to catch it...nt gonna miss it if it repeats)
I found a nice well, erm wadeva series u call that at youtube, it is maded using the Sims 2, the way it is made is awesome, the Sims are some of the nicest I've seen,its called Vanity High
Lastly, there's this pokemon fan art site that I strongly recommend, the person draws such CUTE fan arts^^ I gonna post some of them now...

anyways, here they are , some of them make very good desktop background, the site is in jap though but there's nothing mucj to worry abt just navi around there's fan art every where and here's the address...
happily posted
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Finally, i am here again to update my blog. It does seems that there aren't a lot of people out online nowadays (real life friends) all on vacation? Or is it due to the recent virus outbreak? my web friends remains very active though =P
anyways, i encountered a very interesting incident today, ok, if you think that THIS is interesting. I am sure that everyone know abt the recent fraud phone calls that wanna cheat ur money right? i recieved on today. The person on the other side said something abt being the what highest court of Sinfapore thingy... ONE DEAD GIVEAWAY she speaks in CHINESE, and that's downright stupid cos we all know that government department IF they did contact youit is almost always is in english and if you call a government department it will be english too... until you say that you don't speak english or cant understand english of course.
The second give away, the court (normally) do not contact ppl by phone, it by letter t, and the last give away, no one did anyway thing wrong so its impossible that the court will call.
Really, the first impulse i had was to continue the fraud, it said to press 9 and I was wondering wad will happen if i press like 6 for example or if i could lead them around in circles play with em and make them frustrated, but I decided not to in the end... (there was no one at home during that time so....)
anyways, it is quite interesting .... made my day i guess
gleefully posted
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Finally!!!! I am here to post again!!!!
Oh ya, before I continue any further, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, since it is SO long since I las tposted, not only have the exam results been returned, the report book is back too...
The good thing is, I passed my Amaths....
The sad thing is, I might have missed the top 5 percent scholarship.... (might be my only chance T.T)
I guess I don't have much to whine about this year's report book... except that they could have included the percentage, here are the roughly results:
2 A1
2 A2(bio 74 T.T 1 mark AGAIN)
4 B3
1 C5
should be lar....
anyways, recently i dang addicted to World Embryo, I can read again again again and AGAIN OMG... and I am still trying to beat pike queen lucy (its almost incredible, I lost to her 6 times in a row, I've nvr lost a single battle until now..
and I had a surprised find in Bishan Library... I found the second to The Divide ...
OMG, I nvr knew that this book has a secong book... (believe me, this book's awesome...)
I guess that's abt everything for now
finally posted