KNOWN AS/faraway_mew=P/DreamyLane/WingsOfImagination
`aka shimmer/zC/zQ
`Singapore Alley
`Class... Faraway Island =P
`enjoys.... gazing at the sky (day and night)
[reading comics]:pokemon, tsubasa, deathnote...:P)
[watch tv]:gong
[Playing Games]: Fire Emblem, POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!
[anime]: tsubasa, inuyasha, Letter Bee
[get gd grades]
[get into the subject combo that I want]
[happiness is of utermost importance]
[to have a chance to see comets]
[if only I have a telescope, I can see into space]
[a lot and a lot of comic book]
Just for ur info
Shimmeria is my sis
` 7th AUG'92
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've not felt so relaxed for a long long long long long long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok, dreading getting back results)This time the papers are dang hard (cus this time at least 2 are set by the "LENGENDARY" paper settersss, hist- its ok, but I think I'll do badlyemaths-harder then the usual emaths paper due to a certain "LEGENDARY" setteramaths-I think I sure fail this one...physics-DANG hard end of discussion=DEADchem-still ok, easiet one so far but don't count your chickens before they hatcheng-fine but... "same as above"chinese-"same as eng"Well, at least its finally passed. Yesterday we had our KFC annual club conference or wadeva you call that. We went to eat steamboat.. it was nice. I like the fish and prawns and quil eggs. I LOVE the pumpkin thingy. The chicken soup was nice so is the pork belly... (now I am getting hungry just thinking about this)Recently, i am going on a anabel craze too. ok, she;s cute so taht's that. I used to think that Ash should pair with misty but now, I think that Ash might as well as pair with Anabel.And speaking of Anabel she is the salon maiden, frontier brain of the battle tower (whom, i thought was a guy at first >.<) and the thing that surprises me most... SHE IS THE YOUNGEST FRONTIER BRAIN!!!!!!!! (seriously, even greta is older) I had expected the battle tower frontier brain to be you know at least an adult because the battle tower is like the leader, the most well, pretigious facility and its frontier brain might as well as be the leader of all of the frontier brains! And she can "talk" to pokemon (similar to Lance and Yellow) and MORE still she can even "talk" to plants! (cool)

Anabel totally rox (I gonna post more of her pics in the next post ^^happliy postedshimmer/zC/zQ
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've not felt so relaxed for a long long long long long long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok, dreading getting back results)This time the papers are dang hard (cus this time at least 2 are set by the "LENGENDARY" paper settersss, hist- its ok, but I think I'll do badlyemaths-harder then the usual emaths paper due to a certain "LEGENDARY" setteramaths-I think I sure fail this one...physics-DANG hard end of discussion=DEADchem-still ok, easiet one so far but don't count your chickens before they hatcheng-fine but... "same as above"chinese-"same as eng"Well, at least its finally passed. Yesterday we had our KFC annual club conference or wadeva you call that. We went to eat steamboat.. it was nice. I like the fish and prawns and quil eggs. I LOVE the pumpkin thingy. The chicken soup was nice so is the pork belly... (now I am getting hungry just thinking about this)Recently, i am going on a anabel craze too. ok, she;s cute so taht's that. I used to think that Ash should pair with misty but now, I think that Ash might as well as pair with Anabel.And speaking of Anabel she is the salon maiden, frontier brain of the battle tower (whom, i thought was a guy at first >.<) and the thing that surprises me most... SHE IS THE YOUNGEST FRONTIER BRAIN!!!!!!!! (seriously, even greta is older) I had expected the battle tower frontier brain to be you know at least an adult because the battle tower is like the leader, the most well, pretigious facility and its frontier brain might as well as be the leader of all of the frontier brains! And she can "talk" to pokemon (similar to Lance and Yellow) and MORE still she can even "talk" to plants! (cool)

Anabel totally rox (I gonna post more of her pics in the next post ^^happliy postedshimmer/zC/zQ