Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I am seriously not going to update anymore till next month because exams are seriously coming!!!!
So, GOOD LUCK FOR THE END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally posted
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Like crap, I am posting again (cos Amaths totally depressed me) but I found some relief at mapleSEA and this is one of the funny things that I found, well be posting one each post in the future so have fun looking at em ^^

credit to River
finally posted
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Its kinda sad, since this will be my lastest post for a long long time, cus EOY is comng and I have not revised the tinist bit. DANG.
It was an enjoyable holiday but at lease 70 percent of the time is spent on homework stuff >.<
tiredly posted
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Once again, I am posting, thinking of posting a picture of a screenshot that I have made, it is funny but kind of pervertic... (my sis was the one who suggested anyway...)
Half the holidays gone and my EOY revision have not started yet, I am a failure...
Anyway, I did something stupid yesterday, it was kind of like an accident and I dropped my specs into my right eye and everything in their eye went blur for one whole night, URGH. Good thing it was near bed time when that happened >.<
finally posted