Saturday, July 21, 2007
Finally, another LONG week passed. and here is your usual wacky wadeva.posting.......... *rewind* Finally, another LONG week passed and shimmer is here to post again!!!!!!!!! ^^ (lols...)
Anyways, its another exciting (ok, should be NERVE WRACKING) week full of surprises (SHOCKING NEWS) Firstly, it was the whole debate thing. I never knew what happened, just got chosen and it went *BOOM* and I am in for it. Cant say that it is not fun but it is like , ahh... my blood pressure must have increase like hell... (I swear that I am trembling like mad)
And then we had another one of low blood's high blood pressure test... and guess what? He finish marking it the very next day.....(OMG)
Anyways, chose to post today as this IS THE DAY WHEN THE FINAL BOOK OF THE HARRY POTTER BOOK WILL BE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to disappoint anyone but I am not buying.... not soo soon anway, wonder which characters died, huh?
anyways, read the lastest chapter of tsubaas, YUI AND FAI ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ya and I added a "my art gallery" link in my links section so you guys can go to my deviantart gallery anytime ^^
finally posted
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Finally, here to post again (initially wasn't able to change colour so me being me, became angry and didnt post .... =.=) anways, the whole of last week is ONE thing=STRESS, yes the pressure is so much that i think I am squashed flat, *splat*Cheecy did a magic show in class and it was like LOL
I am currently not addicted to any comic but at the same time addicted to all the comic in my house
Gor gave me a drawing in return fot the one i gave him during the beijing trip, and i was like, WOW his drawing is like so nice (and den felt guilty cus mine is like done in such a short time...) and that reminds me of how *incomplete* I am... i am better in grades then most of my cousins but still lost to one. I am not bad in NAPFA but can never get full marks. I got 243 for PSLE but not even a A* for the ENTIRE of my P6 year (252 in prelims= 4 A !!!! >.<) and can draw but cant colour and not to mention, inability to draw grid lines
anways, nowadays i am playing a new game called tales of pirates (ok, still playing maple and pangya too...) and this is a screenshot i got and it is kinda the BEST that i ever capture in ALL of the games I ever played in!!!!
oh ya and if you all ever felt like seeing my drawings 9too lazy to post em) you can go to my DA gallery ^^, link: rmb, its NZC copyrighted ^^
ok, till next time
finally posted
Monday, July 02, 2007
Since I could not find something important to post and since both babi and yt did this quiz before so I decided to post my results too (T.T It was sad that I could not find anything interesting to post... T.T)
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Fun |
![]() And you're always up for a party... no matter how big or small.You're usually the first one to celebrate a friend's success. Anyone who's interesting or fun is welcome in you circle of friends.You're not the type of person to exclude or make fun of someone who's a little different. Your friends need you most when: They're down or depressed You really can't be friends with: Anyone who's stuck up or chronically unhappy Your friendship quote: "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." |">What Makes You a Good Friend?
I highly doubt that is it true though.... =P Anyway, I ACTUALLY MANGAED TO FINISH MY HOMEWORK !I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except I have not done my Amaths revision. DANG! I seriously don't want to fail again!
kinda sleepily posted