Thursday, May 31, 2007
shimmer is here to pst again! But not from the home cop in Singapore.... IS THE COMP IN THE COMP LAb IN THE SCH IN ..................................... BEIJING WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE , it is veri cold here...brrrrrrrrrr
hat's all for now, will blog more when I come back to Singapore cus there is time limit.... oh ya, the hostel rox, still gt air con one, mi yt and suv in same rm
finally posted
Friday, May 25, 2007
Once again, I AM HERE TO POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot of things and very little things happened this week, very little as in ONLY 1 significant event happened this week which is... THE RETURNING OF REPORT BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which, although is just one event it is equal to A THOUSAND EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overally, I am happy cus I didnt deprove (but I have an underlined subject.... T.T and my bio is 0.1 to A2 and my geog lost its A1 due to A QNS WHICH I FORGOT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
This week, eARTh just have to get mi to be attracted to a comic known as THE GENTLEMEN ALLIANCE (cross) , overally it wasnt bad (the graphic is good) , personally I can be classified as a fussy-abt-garphic manga reader, there are some styles which I dont like and this will put mi off the whole manga no matter how good is the plot, BUT, if I cant understand the plot of course I wont like it either even if it is very well drawn. Anyway, back to this comic, it has very good graphics (ok, maybe the eyes are sometimes too big but still acceptable) its characters are veri nicely drawn and have very vivd characteristic. The structure of the school is very interesting (that was the most attractive part) AND POST MAN IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there are of cus as usual things that I dun agree wif
1) The characters shld not play truant so often, it will influenece the readers in a bad way
2) PLS NO MORE YAOI!!!! I CANNOT STAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3)A little blur abt the content bt i am usually not veri gd at reading and interpreting tis kinda comic tkat mi 2 time longer to finish one
Going to beijing soon... gonna miss the singapore air....
singapore food...
my comics....
my frens...
my family.....
my bed......
my tv programs.......
my pillow...
my TOYS.....
my COMPUTER!!!.....
my GB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
And of cus alot alot and so eva more...
but at least I am coming back on 11 june ... ok .... if I am so reluctant so why in the world did I want to go in the first place anyways??????
1)yt and suv are going
2) I AM A KIASU PERSON no more of such chance nxt yr, 机不可失。
3)desprately want to prove to myself that THERE ARE OTHER countries other den Singapore
thats about all
finally posted
Friday, May 18, 2007
Tons of things happened this week and lets start from Tuesday
Me, eARTh, sun and yUe went to watch spiderman three after school. Though I have watched movies with frens a couple of times already, it was a first time tat, well, i go watch after school. We brought some popcorn and nachos and they tasted GREAT. We even got a free coke (from the scratch coupon we got per 2 tickets. The movie itself was nice ^^
brought GB and Uno to school. Today is interhouse games. Played in one match and we WON that match 2-4 ^^ IN the end scorpion won. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
papers are returned
English-A2 (gave me a shock)
Emaths-A1 (its obvious the paper isnt hard)
Amaths-D7 (once again, obvious when you cannot understand the teacher)
Chinese-B3 (I am back on track)
Combine Humanities-C6 (1 mark to C5 T.T)
Geog-A2 plus(may round up PLS round up I WANT MY A1)
Bio-B3 (a little disappointed bt cant complain...)
On ya, on Friday I caught Lapras in my pokemon crystal version!
finally posted
Sunday, May 13, 2007
As promised, I will post more often. Maybe you all can't believe it but i am SERIOUSLY suffereing from exam withdrawal symtom a.k.a feel like doing homework. And also post exam symtom a.k.a too much burnt brain cells causing severe lagging.
Anyways, i promised you guys I will upload another pic rite? its not made by me thoguh so please do not put it any place else it is drawn by
Kariavalon of deviantart

Its really nice rite? I still got 2 others, will post them in the next post
restlessly posted
Friday, May 11, 2007
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shimmer is back to post again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (how nice it is to hear the sound of the keyboard)
The mid years was a ultimate disaster and it all happened because I just started to study a wee bit too late... >.<>
to sum it up
Bio:a little more confident that the rest because I was able to finish 15 minutes before time... but a little blur too...
Chem:didnt understand some questions and some careless mistake and almost cannot finish
Emath paper 1: at least i can finish this one
Emath paper 2:totally cannot finish, and the worst thing is, i am already at maximum speed,left matrix qns, not enough time to think properly
Amath:Dead meat for this one, half of the paper I am totally blur, cant finish that dang graph and the some other qns didnt know how to do, will be happy if i can pass
Physics:this one I die also lar, totally no time, the paper was HARD because I cant understand what they asking about
Hist and SS :same prob for both, first-time-seen-questions and no time for the last contextual knowledge (and they are my speciality!!! SBQ!!!!!!!!! T.T)
Geog:this one still ok, can finish in time limit but scared not enough point or answer out of point
That's about it, I might post more often this weekend, its post exams after all ^^
finally posted