Sunday, March 25, 2007
I know this is crazy, posting so often but, I can't help it (this probably means that I might not be posting for a long time)
Here, I will solemly swear something... I will always remember last Friday as the day everyone go on an Eno craze (my sis also went Eno craze when I shared the Eno given by Low Blood Pressure with her)
I have recently learned how to edit pokemon sprites... here they are, please comment!!!
here they are, I even added a shiny version for the eevee sprites, please comment !! And oh ya, its NZC copyrighted!!!!!
once again posted
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Nothing much actually, I both happy and sad. My Social Studies and Bio got better then I expected but notfor Hist, and Chinese and Emath, and I still haven't got into syf (probably never will)
Today, babi actually spill his Laksa all over the table (ok, he pour it out himself) and we were laughing and talking about it when jie came. And she asked us what we were talking about and I actually told her that Babi pour his Laksa over the table (sorry, Babi but I was finding a topic you see.)
Hmm, I do always post pokemon picture don't I? Here's another one..., she is the girl in-game and anime character for the new Pearl and Diamond versions, her japanese name is Hikari and...

her US (english) name is DAWN. Lol, no, I am not kidding
finally posted
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Here I am to post again!!!! Waa long time no post le... (the posting time is still wrong ok???) I wanna change to pokemon blogskin!!!!!!(but the skin no tag space, how???) Just came home from camp on Sunday 3.30pm, camp was tiring, boring and fun (how can fun and boring co-exist, I have no idea, it jus does) I like hiking at the reservior(that was the most fun part of the camp, if onli the tea can walk slower)
Once again I am dang addicted to pokemon (when am I not?) So here is a picture honouring the legendary flying pokemon

How is it? U ccan click to see the larger version (if u ever use this pic remember to credit me!!! lol, oh ya it is NZC copyrighted and pls comment!!! TYTY!!!!
finally posted
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Finally I am here to post again, man, what a long time have passed, lol. So I have gone through so many trails and tests (ok, I noe those are class test) and so far they are disasterous, argh, officially fail le lar...
Hmm, only one that I like is geog test result ... right now lar...nothing really much to say except that right now is really busy..
I haven do up a picture yet, cos I haven thought of the theme...
Oh ya, today i was using the sponge in my house to wash the plate whn I found out that my mom had actually change it, it is smaller and square in shape and is yellow in colour ( ok, the old one is bigger, regtangular and yellow also lar) and I dunno why but I think that the new one look like spongebob ... -.-
ok I have a interesting pic here...

yue looks like he gonna **** sakura... (lols, no offence lar, i m a really big yue fan ok!!!!)
finally posted
shimmer/zC/ zQ