KNOWN AS/faraway_mew=P/DreamyLane/WingsOfImagination
`aka shimmer/zC/zQ
`Singapore Alley
`Class... Faraway Island =P
`enjoys.... gazing at the sky (day and night)
[reading comics]:pokemon, tsubasa, deathnote...:P)
[watch tv]:gong
[Playing Games]: Fire Emblem, POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!
[anime]: tsubasa, inuyasha, Letter Bee
[get gd grades]
[get into the subject combo that I want]
[happiness is of utermost importance]
[to have a chance to see comets]
[if only I have a telescope, I can see into space]
[a lot and a lot of comic book]
Just for ur info
Shimmeria is my sis
` 7th AUG'92
Looks like I still heavily addicted to computer -.- Anyway, I have just created another picture using paint, it is about the different evolutions of evee, currently there are 7 different evolutions and I kinda put all of them into one picture using paint and I looks like this... (click to see large version)
How is it? I included the 2 newest evolution of evee too. Please comment and oh ya, this is NZC copyrighted too ^^ (lol) Click to see large version!!Anyway, I just remembered a dream I had some time in december and I was about a huge torando that is approaching Singapore at fast speed and all people younger then 21 is to be evacuated to a underground chamber, adults are suppose to stay at home to activate thje shield (dunno wad shield), at that time we were all at school I think so we were all like loaded into a pod kinda thing and then we went down a tunnel into a underground high tech chamber. I saw some of my old classmates and all the KFCs are here and then we were told not to open a certain lid at the top of the chamber. But dunno of wad reason I went to open it though a lot of the ppl there, including my frens disagree , but I just went to open it and den I saw the torando and I was like WOW (it was like soooooooooooooooooo cool, and talk aout coincidence it was kinda like a scene from the day after tomorrow)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that , the torando passed, and the housed are all ok, and then we (KFC, all of my friends and my sis) were saying goodbye when I woke up, it was like such a weird dream, that's all for now..postedShimmer/zC/zQ
It has been quite a while since I last posted. (still too lazy to change the time setting so it is still wrong) I like so addicted to computer, argh, must kick the habit. I dun have any interesting pictures to show u guys this time round (i will try to find and make more!!) I feel kinda sad and lost right after every guzheng lessons (tat is nt normal for me) Maybe it is because I cannot get into syf but cannot understand why excatly. I have a distinction for grading test, I don't miss any guzheng lessons and I have both syf and perform-onstage experience yet I cannot get in. Argh. >.<Not gonna type too much abt not getting into syf or I will be too depress to be me. oh ya, there is this dream I had and was in a building with a lot of cardboard and water and you have to jump from cardboard to cardboard to get out of there (i gt out of it eventually) then I was like so happy and running about a meadow when I woke up :)nothing much to say le. found that we have quite some nick for tea...JieJieSnoopyCheesyTriple MSleepySkyThat's about all i noe ^^ I think that the nicks are kinda cute though ^^postedShimmer...zC...zQ
Hey guys, check this out...
I made it myself (using certain brushes), it was one of my better pieces. Do click it so that you can see the bigger version, it is NZC copyright!! (lol)
how do you think? Seeing this picture kinda make me relax.Anyway, the posting time is still wrong, because I too lazy to change it, (obviously) had a maths test this week, IT WAS A DISASTER, OMG. I got 1 question wrong and it might cause my other question to be wrong too.School is exhausting, I kinda like chinese lesson's "project time"(bao zi!!!!) i had a couple of dreams this week and I remember 2 very vividly. One is the one that include, puay weng, yiting and me during PE lesson. The teacher, weirdly is Mr Ho, and he is telling us that there will be no NAPFA test next year. LOL, I actually feel kinda sad. (aha, lols)The next one is kinda blur, but I remeber one thing perfectly and that is that the number 5.64 appeared in my dream and later in the day, one of answer to the test/homework question is 5.64. OMG, what a coincidenceAnyways, please comment on the picture (above) that I made. Thank you!!!!!!postedShimmer/zC/zQ
Everyone, pls notice that the posting time is still wrong. Argh, life is getting worst. Too many subject too little time, no time to read the notes( then test, how??) seriously no time. (Guess what? We have spelling)To make matter worst, I can't remember any of my dreams (lol) probably because it is schooll day( according to my theory i always dream about 4, 5 tp 6 am) But again, it is a theory, it might be wrong. I shared some of my dreams with Sun and we actually found out that we have same dreams (similar)There was this dream which is one of my shortest. I am walking down a corridor then a cat bite me, but it wasn't painful and I kinda enjoy it ( in the dream lar) It was like so funny. lolpostedShimmer/ZC/ZQ
Argh, the time consuming way of revising homework that I use is totally eating my sleeping time away. (lol) Maths is totally confusing me nowadys and I still need to try to change to second row from the front( cos i too short le lor) . Yiting rox lor, write her dreams in blog, but I no time write. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should just use a easier way to revise also lor (but then again, i always slack when I reached home , so like 7.30 to 8 then start to do homework. DANG ME)postedshimmer/ zC/ zQ
Once again I am at a lost for what to write. Just stare at this screen and can't think of what to write... lol... anyway, congrats to pw who make it to perofrming group.. yay!!! Her life is so exciting mine is so boring... lol... must find way to sit at the third row from the front... dunno if those guys will agree, hope they will...postedShimmer/zC/zQ
Our new class is like so quiet that it is scary. And I realised that Sec 3 is like totally different, you don't play on the first lessons, you like almost do nothing (lol) So, today as I was writing the new year resolution, a peom pop into my mind (they always do) and when a peom pop into my mind I have to write it somewhere or I will regret for life if I forget it (and those who read my new year resolution will know that one of the things that I want is to live with no regrets) I know it is not friendship day but here goesFriends are guardians on the road of lifeFriendship is a bond unseen by the eyeFriends cannot be washed away in the river of timeFriendship cannot be broken even by a metal knifeIt is quite short and I think it is a bit mushy for me, but then again, I am a weird person......Maybe you guys can rate it (:D) Oh ya and it is NZC copyrighted!! (LOL!)FRENZ ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! postedshimmer/ZC/ZQ
Looks like I still heavily addicted to computer -.- Anyway, I have just created another picture using paint, it is about the different evolutions of evee, currently there are 7 different evolutions and I kinda put all of them into one picture using paint and I looks like this... (click to see large version)
How is it? I included the 2 newest evolution of evee too. Please comment and oh ya, this is NZC copyrighted too ^^ (lol) Click to see large version!!Anyway, I just remembered a dream I had some time in december and I was about a huge torando that is approaching Singapore at fast speed and all people younger then 21 is to be evacuated to a underground chamber, adults are suppose to stay at home to activate thje shield (dunno wad shield), at that time we were all at school I think so we were all like loaded into a pod kinda thing and then we went down a tunnel into a underground high tech chamber. I saw some of my old classmates and all the KFCs are here and then we were told not to open a certain lid at the top of the chamber. But dunno of wad reason I went to open it though a lot of the ppl there, including my frens disagree , but I just went to open it and den I saw the torando and I was like WOW (it was like soooooooooooooooooo cool, and talk aout coincidence it was kinda like a scene from the day after tomorrow)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that , the torando passed, and the housed are all ok, and then we (KFC, all of my friends and my sis) were saying goodbye when I woke up, it was like such a weird dream, that's all for now..postedShimmer/zC/zQ
It has been quite a while since I last posted. (still too lazy to change the time setting so it is still wrong) I like so addicted to computer, argh, must kick the habit. I dun have any interesting pictures to show u guys this time round (i will try to find and make more!!) I feel kinda sad and lost right after every guzheng lessons (tat is nt normal for me) Maybe it is because I cannot get into syf but cannot understand why excatly. I have a distinction for grading test, I don't miss any guzheng lessons and I have both syf and perform-onstage experience yet I cannot get in. Argh. >.<Not gonna type too much abt not getting into syf or I will be too depress to be me. oh ya, there is this dream I had and was in a building with a lot of cardboard and water and you have to jump from cardboard to cardboard to get out of there (i gt out of it eventually) then I was like so happy and running about a meadow when I woke up :)nothing much to say le. found that we have quite some nick for tea...JieJieSnoopyCheesyTriple MSleepySkyThat's about all i noe ^^ I think that the nicks are kinda cute though ^^postedShimmer...zC...zQ
Hey guys, check this out...
I made it myself (using certain brushes), it was one of my better pieces. Do click it so that you can see the bigger version, it is NZC copyright!! (lol)
how do you think? Seeing this picture kinda make me relax.Anyway, the posting time is still wrong, because I too lazy to change it, (obviously) had a maths test this week, IT WAS A DISASTER, OMG. I got 1 question wrong and it might cause my other question to be wrong too.School is exhausting, I kinda like chinese lesson's "project time"(bao zi!!!!) i had a couple of dreams this week and I remember 2 very vividly. One is the one that include, puay weng, yiting and me during PE lesson. The teacher, weirdly is Mr Ho, and he is telling us that there will be no NAPFA test next year. LOL, I actually feel kinda sad. (aha, lols)The next one is kinda blur, but I remeber one thing perfectly and that is that the number 5.64 appeared in my dream and later in the day, one of answer to the test/homework question is 5.64. OMG, what a coincidenceAnyways, please comment on the picture (above) that I made. Thank you!!!!!!postedShimmer/zC/zQ
Everyone, pls notice that the posting time is still wrong. Argh, life is getting worst. Too many subject too little time, no time to read the notes( then test, how??) seriously no time. (Guess what? We have spelling)To make matter worst, I can't remember any of my dreams (lol) probably because it is schooll day( according to my theory i always dream about 4, 5 tp 6 am) But again, it is a theory, it might be wrong. I shared some of my dreams with Sun and we actually found out that we have same dreams (similar)There was this dream which is one of my shortest. I am walking down a corridor then a cat bite me, but it wasn't painful and I kinda enjoy it ( in the dream lar) It was like so funny. lolpostedShimmer/ZC/ZQ
Argh, the time consuming way of revising homework that I use is totally eating my sleeping time away. (lol) Maths is totally confusing me nowadys and I still need to try to change to second row from the front( cos i too short le lor) . Yiting rox lor, write her dreams in blog, but I no time write. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should just use a easier way to revise also lor (but then again, i always slack when I reached home , so like 7.30 to 8 then start to do homework. DANG ME)postedshimmer/ zC/ zQ
Once again I am at a lost for what to write. Just stare at this screen and can't think of what to write... lol... anyway, congrats to pw who make it to perofrming group.. yay!!! Her life is so exciting mine is so boring... lol... must find way to sit at the third row from the front... dunno if those guys will agree, hope they will...postedShimmer/zC/zQ
Our new class is like so quiet that it is scary. And I realised that Sec 3 is like totally different, you don't play on the first lessons, you like almost do nothing (lol) So, today as I was writing the new year resolution, a peom pop into my mind (they always do) and when a peom pop into my mind I have to write it somewhere or I will regret for life if I forget it (and those who read my new year resolution will know that one of the things that I want is to live with no regrets) I know it is not friendship day but here goesFriends are guardians on the road of lifeFriendship is a bond unseen by the eyeFriends cannot be washed away in the river of timeFriendship cannot be broken even by a metal knifeIt is quite short and I think it is a bit mushy for me, but then again, I am a weird person......Maybe you guys can rate it (:D) Oh ya and it is NZC copyrighted!! (LOL!)FRENZ ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! postedshimmer/ZC/ZQ