Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Went to the comic connnection sales again yesterday. Bought a comic... its fifty cents, and guess what? Its nice... I am kinda addicted... the problem is... it is a series and I only have 1 book!!!!!!!( and it is probably impossible to find the whole series) nvrm... Anyway, I am totally addicted to Inuyasha again, watch until episode 61 le... but the rest of the videos were removed...!!!!!

Looks like someone violated the copyright rule... sigh... have to wait for other ppl to upload. Anyways, I was thinking about whether or not is holiday bored today and I suddenly find my self thinking about the test I have to take when school reopens... that settles it... holiday might be boring( sometimes)it is still worth it as long as I don't need to take tests in holidays...

argh... 3rd Dec have guzheng grade three examination.. I am doomed... definately...



paws of ZC @ 12:45 AM

Monday, November 27, 2006

I have been thinking about my blog skin. Searching for a glimmer of hope... in a sea of stars. Star shine and glimmer don't they? That means that there is alot and alot and alot of hope there... (I guess the thick textbook has shocked me so much that I am a bit insane...)

Shimmer/ Zhi Qing

paws of ZC @ 1:38 AM

Sunday, November 26, 2006

just bought the school textbook for next year... and they were THICK. Doomed...doomed...doomed...>.<

shimmer/Zi Qing

paws of ZC @ 3:20 AM

Friday, November 24, 2006

I am starting to like this blog... but.. all the posting dates are wrong... argh!!! Guess nothing is perfect in this wurld... I mean, if everything is perfect.. then I willl never get frustrated, will I?

Let's see... why am I so frustrated... mostly is because of unknown reasons , but there are a few that are obvious... like my sis having a display name so similar to mine... *she is changing to meadow though. And also because there is really not enough time for me to do all that I want in a day. It is also because Gong has just ended ( argh suffering from gong withdrawal syndrome) , also because I seem to be the only person suffering from holiday-slacking-syndrome and lastly... I really can't decide the front size to use, so I decided to switch every post ( aha that will look weird.. big...small..big...small...)

Anyway, went to buy school books today. the schoolwas packed... wonder what event it was. Then I went to Heartland Mall ( geography was out of stock, so I went popular to buy) and saw that comic connection is having a SALE. OMG. It is until 29/11 , thinking of going there tmr...

just wondering though... blog is also called a dairy of some sort... so many ppl who have blog but still keep a book dairy???

Wow... I always tend to post so long... lol



paws of ZC @ 2:32 AM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

This is my first post on a blog that looks alright and at least acceptable... LOLs... creating a blog sure use up a lot of energy. First I search for blog skins for half an hour and then I took another hour just to apply it and do some editing , but it turned out that I cannot view it!! (so sad, that blog skin was really nice) So I have to spend another half an nour looking for another nice one before I found this, it is still under construction though, pls tag, thank you!
I just found out that it is so hard to do homework or work of any kind during the holidays, I mean something in you just wanna slack. I can never focus and do my work during holidays... argh am I the only person in the world suffering from holidays-slacking-symdrome???????


paws of ZC @ 1:32 AM